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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chinese Broadcasting Makes Breakthrough in 3D

The China Central TV company has made a breakthrough in 3D television broadcasting. This is the first time 3D has been broadcast over the air ever. This is a major breakthrough in television broadcasting because although only 4 1/2 hours are broadcast daily now on the trial basis, it is still working 3D that is over the air. Although the few people with a a 3D tv can watch the channel in 3D, any hi-def cable box can pick it up as long as it's in the broadcasting area. The channel is announced to officially announce after the Chinese New Year and will set a new standard for television broadcasting all over the world.

LG unveils largest OLED TV

The major company LG, has unveiled it's largest OLED flat panel television. It is currently the largest OLED tv in existence coming in at 55'' inches. The OLED is special because instead of using normal light-emitting-diodes, it has organic light emitting diodes. The OLED has 4 color pixels which makes it's picture extremely vibrant and crisp. This tv is also theoretically capable of having a 100,000hz refresh rate which is 5000 times the refresh rate of the near best LCD tvs now. Another amazing feature about this tv is that it can be impossibly thin, this tv in the picture is a mere 4mm thin. At the upcoming CES electronic expo, more information will be revealed such as release dates and costs.
Courtesy of

Monday, December 19, 2011

Last Chance to Buy Paper Savings Bonds

Starting on the first of the new year, paper bonds are going to stop being made and sold. This is big news because paper bonds have been around since 1935 and are now being taken over by electronic bonds that can only be purchased online. This plane called the "All Electronic Initiative" was announced last year and is now going into effect. The Treasury Department estimates that $120 million could be saved with the use of electronic bonds over the next 5 years. Yet another step to the bright future of the world.